Shenzhen Deertom Technology Co.,Ltd

Products > WLan WiFi Antennas > 5GHz Panel Antenna > 5150-5850MHz Sector Antenna 120 Degrees 16dBi
Product name : 5150-5850MHz Sector Antenna 120 Degrees 16dBi
Product No. : DT-SPA5150-5850-16-120
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Model DT-SPA5150-5850-16-120
Frequency Range 5150-5850MHz
Gain 16dBi
Beamwidth H: 120° , E: 
VSWR ≤1.5
F/B Ratio ≥25dB
Polarization Vertical
Max Power 100W
Nominal Impedance 50Ω
Lightning Protection DC Ground
Connector N Female *2 or customized
Antenna Dimension          460*150*40mm
Weight 3.5kg
Radome Material UPVC
Diameter of the Pole Φ50-105mm
Rated Wind Velocity 60m/s
Connector Position                               Bottom                                                   

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